Tinnitus | Top 3 novel treatment findings

Herbal treatment alleviates tinnitus symptoms

The study found that after three months of treatment, there was a significant improvement in tinnitus symptoms among patients receiving Neurotec® compared to the control group, as measured by the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI).

Study published: 2022-03-08

Hearing aids relieve tinnitus symptoms

68% of studies showed positive results for tinnitus relief with hearing aids, while 14% showed no change. The majority of studies support the use of hearing aids for tinnitus relief, although the quality of evidence varies.

Study published: 2021-03-16

Transcranial direct current stimulation improves speech detection in chronic tinnitus patients.

Modest improvement in detecting speech in noise after five active tDCS sessions, with no change in pure-tone thresholds or overall cognitive task performance.

Study published: 2024-02-01